1 Year Anniversary

Open Perpetuum as of April 14th will have been live for ONE FULL YEAR.
That’s 365 days of pure robot destruction and production!
We also would like to point you to this promotional video now on our newly cultivated YouTube Channel.
To celebrate we are targeting our next patch for that day, April 14th 8pm EST Sunday (our usual patch time) to introduce a number of things starting with:
The Anniversary Gift!
All accounts that registered and validated their email by April 14th will receive:
- A brand new AnniversArkhe. This is limited time offer to those joining us in the first year.
- 2x AIDs that give you random rare ammo or T4 module
- 1x EP Boost Item to help you boost your skills!
We will also be celebrating this exciting time with an EP Bonus Event!
You will receive +10x to your EP multiplier for 10 days April 12 – April 22 to celebrate Patch 10.
(Try stacking that with an EP Boost item!)
So you might be thinking – wow that’s a lot of really great stuff.
In fact we may have to go into more details in separate blogs!
Patch 10 and Beyond
Here are the features we are currently working on, many of which will likely hit the server with Patch 10. So here is what you can look forward to in the next 2 updates:
- Relics
- NPC Boss auto-loot splitting
- NPC Boss respawn timer random element
- New Player Welcome Mails
- Hershfield NPC overhaul – featuring more choice, variety, and a new NPC the Callisto
- All New Highway system on Hershfield
- Advanced Tile Scanner Ammo buff and bug fix
- Thelodica Ewar Bonus fix
- Epriton will no longer spawn under terminals and teleports
- Exit Anomaly from the Omega Stronghold will move you to Hershfield main terminal
- A new super powerful NPC boss with massive loots
- Artifact MK2 CT-capsule droprate overhaul
There is a lot here and there is more to come on all of these details, expect to see more blogs in the following days detailing these developments and look forward to patch day!
A year in numbers
Now what you have really been waiting for: SERVER STATS!
For the statistics for the past year on the server since launch:
- Over 3,100 accounts created
- Over 1,060 PVP fatalities with over 3,120 participants total
- 3,480,000 EP-activity events generating 138,489,000 EP
- 8,400 bots built, 239,700 modules, 8,897,600 units of ammo
- 1460 Agents killed in retaliation by the Nians
- 137,100 assignments complete with 73,175,000,000 NIC generated
- 42,035,390,000 units of ore mined
Don’t miss out on your chance to add to those numbers! Join Open Perpetuum and tell your friends!