Resources Overwhelming

We have a lot to talk about, so let’s stick to the most immediate changes coming to the Open Perpetuum server this month and what you need to know!
Resource Server
With Patch 15, we will mark the beginning of the Resource Server support in Open Perpetuum. We have been ironing out the DevOps, deployments, wiring, and structure of how everything is going to get served up. As you know, AC introduced client-side capability to talk to custom resource servers *(as long as they serve the right data in the right way!) This turns out to be quite the caveat, and we are still discovering new things that break! (Fun!)
The most important thing is:
Use the Steam Client!
We can not stress this enough. If you do not have a Steam client you will not see any new resources, text, icons, and more! All client updates since the standalone server release have been to the Steam client, exclusively! AC can/will not update the non-steam clients. Please take this opportunity to purchase a Steam client from Avatar Creations. While you are there, leave a review! Reviews are the best way for new players to decide if Perpetuum is a good fit for them.
If you feel you are entitled to a free copy of the Steam client, you may request a Steam key by emailing [email protected]. You may need to provide some relevant data so they can verify you have purchased an account with them before.
For multiboxing setups using the Steam client can be found on the discord pinned in #op-help. And a guide will be coming to soon!
A lot of hassle to get updated, but what do you gain?
We are delighted you asked!

Wow guys…
That is pretty cool stuff right? It is like a new picture and text! All of those pixels: totally customized, served by a server we stood up to send custom data to the client to render in front of your beautiful eyes! Amazing.
Oh, there is more…

All of the new items got icons and descriptions!

Our custom NPC’s also got a facelift

Including fixes to new NPC landmark icons!

That Pitboss looks angry!
We hope these changes excite you for the future of Open Perpetuum because this is all just laying the technical groundwork and infrastructure for what is to come next. Furthermore, there are still more icons, text, titles and descriptions to cleanup, add, and modify. If you think you are a talented writer, artist (graphics or textures) we have openings on our Art Team! Shoot us your application on our volunteer survey linked here:
Stay tuned for more details on Patch 15 – and what follows…